nursery admissions policy 24 25.pdf
Prince Avenue Academy and Nursery is an Academy and part of SEEAT (South East Essex Academy Trust.) It is its own Admissions Authority.
The school works closely with the Local Authority, Southend on Sea City Council, to ensure that there are adequate places for school children in the area and that admissions are treated fairly.
There are two separate Admissions Policies, one for the school and one for the nursery. This is because nursery education is not a statutory requirement, whereas all children are expected to attend school when they are five.
Admission to the nursery does not automatically guarantee admission to the school.
To visit Prince Avenue Academy and Nursery
We welcome visits to the school. If you would like to visit and see the school in action telephone the office on 01702 311411 and make an appointment. We look forward to seeing you.
To apply for a place at the Nursery
Please read the Nursery Admissions Policy. You can apply using the application form below or pick up a Nursery Admissions Application Form from the school office.
Children starting school for the first time
Please read Prince Avenue's School Admissions Policy (see below.)
Applications for a September 2024 start in Reception needs to be submitted by 15th January 2024. This has to be done online by completing the application form on the Southend on Sea City Council website.
Mid Year Applications
At Prince Avenue Academy & Nursery, we manage in-year applications directly; there is no requirement for you to contact the local authority.
You can use the form below to apply for a place at our school and/or Nursery.
Once we have received your request we will aim to respond within two working days; this is usually by telephone however, please note that applications will only be processed during term time.
For any parent wishing to appeal the decision made for their child please click on the following link:
The School Admission Appeals Code sets out a strict timetable for the hearing of appeals.
- main round appeals (to start R, yr 3 and yr7): 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals
- in year appeals (application during the school year for R, 3 and yr 7 and all other year groups) 30 school days from the appeal being lodged. It is very important that parents keep a copy that is date stamped of the submission of the appeal
Parents will be advised of the right to appeal when refused a place at a school.
Oversubscription Criteria
1. Looked after children and previously looked after children*;
2. Pupils of staff at the school;
3. Pupils who live in the catchment area and who have a sibling attending the school;
4. Pupils who live in the catchment area;
5. Pupils of the school attending Prince Avenue Nursery;
6. Pupils who live outside the catchment area.
Admissions Arrangements
Admissions Form
Nursery Admissions Policy
This area will show all documents uploaded to the /docs/ADMISSIONS folder.
Documents in folders containing the word 'letter' or 'minute' are listed in the order they were uploaded, most recent upload at the top. Otherwise, documents are listed alphabetically.