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Prince Avenue Academy & Nursery

South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)


All Prince Avenue children are given the opportunity to explore the past at a local, national and international level. Children will be taught skills of historical enquiry throughout their time in the school which will be built upon year on year. They will benefit from a broad curriculum that enables them to ask questions and discover knowledge that is relevant and interesting to themselves.

We aim to provide the children with a curriculum tailored to their individual needs and ensure that every child is able to engage with and enjoy learning about the history of their local environment and the wider world. Children will gain a deeper insight into how the world was shaped into what they see today and how their own lives have been impacted by changes throughout history.

We are committed to:

  • Encouraging children to ask questions about the past and a desire to find answers.

  • Passionately teaching a wide range of topics from the past.

  • Engaging children in learning about local, national and international history.

  • Offering students the opportunity to see aspects of history first-hand: from sources, artefacts and educational trips.

  • Promoting a love of learning and an excitement for learning about history.


Prince Avenue pupils will:

  • Understand how historical events have impacted our society and the world we live in.

  • Have an understanding of timelines/eras and when key events took place.

  • Know how the earliest civilizations lived.

  • Be able to confidently examine sources to obtain conclusions.

  • Appreciate the importance of history.

  • Be knowledgeable about events beyond living memory as well as key events within the more recent past.

  • Apply their knowledge and skills of critical enquiry to consider biases and reliability in the real world.

copy of history.pdf



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