Eco Warriors
The Eco Warriors are working with everyone in school towards keeping ourselves and our environment green and clean, and to make the world a better place in which to live.
They raise our awareness about sustainability and encourage everyone to be good at recycling and saving energy. We encourage good habits for the future.
They actively promote:-
- Paper and card
- Batteries
- Food
Saving energy:
- Switching off lights
- Switching off ICT equipment, rather than leaving it on standby
- Closing doors to keep heat in
Conserving energy:
- Taking care of our equipment so that it lasts well
- Using resources in a way that minimises waste
Care for the environment
- Encourage walking rather that using cars to travel to school.
- Using litter bins to keep our school and local area clean
Throughout the week the Eco-warriors take a look around every classroom and area to check if the area or classroom have their lights, projectors and computers off. We even check inside classroom cupboards!! On Friday we give the class we feel have been the most eco-friendly throughout the week. They are awarded the Penguin of Power to keep in their class for the week.